A motorcade of meant-to-be's

Very much a work in progress, but aren't we all?

Hello my name is -redacted- and the only html I know is from neopets dot com. Please check back in about 6 months to see if I accomplished anything by editing this wonderful template by link 2 sadgrl.

Future plans for this are prob just rants and documenting my lifelong obsessions that I still maintain today. My online life started in the 90's and Neopets was my proto-social media as a child. I liked to pose as an adult and sometimes I feel like I still am, even tho I am 30 now. From a young age I was very entrenched in manga, anime, video games, and MMOs. All the anime I watched was in about 9 parts each on Youtube when it first entered the World Wide Web. Otherwise I obtained downloads by questionable means, sorry mom. I mained a Boomkin in WOW throughout all of middle school and high school, mostly with a focus on PVP with a strong preference for AV or other 40-man BGs. I kept my online life a secret so I could maintain any sort of protection of self, and still do today.

Interests include but not limited to: Anime, manga, JRPGS, frogs, printmaking, analog photography, Baldur's Gate, FFXIV, Neopets, spicy food, spending time with my fiance, early-gen Honda Civics, cats, chihuahuas, sour candy, BBQ Baked Lays, the bipolar experience, and finally, protecting my heartand soul from things that hurt me, now that I finally have the power and choice to do so.

Prob will make shrines to Astarion, FLCL, Gurren Laggan, Eureka 7, Mister Mosquito, sour gummies, and so on.

- 2024 Goalz -

Cut down on flower consumption even tho I really don't wanna, finally make inventory of prints/ art so I can quit my job that I hate, stop picking my skin, start exercising which I also really don't wanna.

There's no way to know of future foe scenarios- so bless up bby's